Air quality

youfilters reduce allergies

How to reduce allergies

How to reduce seasonal allergies?

Itchy eyes, runny nose ... No doubt, spring is back. So how can you reduce your seasonal allergy symptoms? First, let’s remember that, unlike a cold, seasonal allergies are mainly manifested by:
  • red, watery eyes;
  • runny nose;
  • repeated sneezing;

Almost a quarter of the population suffers from it

Very common, seasonal allergies affect between 20% and 25% of Canadians. Often called "hay fever", they are due to an overly strong reaction of the body to certain airborne substances such as the pollen of certain trees and plants. Seasonal allergies can also be triggered by mold spores, which can also travel through the air in spring, summer and fall. Symptoms vary widely from person to person, ranging from simple inconvenience to sleep disturbances, fatigue and absenteeism from work. Many pharmaceutical treatments are now available.

Can we prevent seasonal allergies?

 Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to utterly avoid exposure to pollen, which is found in large quantities in the air. However, you can take concrete action to reduce contact with these allergens and lessen the inconvenience they cause.

7 tips to reduce exposure to allergens

  1. Stay indoors in the morning or on a windy day
  2. Keep your windows closed
  3. Use an air conditioner at home and in the car
  4. Prefer the dryer to the clothesline
  5. Avoid mowing the lawn yourself
  6. Watch the pollen forecast to plan your outings
  7. Get quality air filters

The air filter: a precious ally

It's fine to limit outings, but you still have to clean the air inside, especially if you have to keep your windows closed! If you have a central heating or air conditioning system, you can filter out a large part of the particles, pollens and spores that worsen your seasonal allergy symptoms. Here are 5 tips for healthier indoor air:
  1. Ensure proper maintenance of your ventilation ducts
  2. Get quality filters
  3. Replace them regularly
  4. Choose a higher MERV filter to maximize the filtration of particles in the air
  5. When you vacuum, remember to activate your system in ventilation mode. A quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter will spread fewer particles in the air, but no device can completely prevent the movement of dust, pollen, spores and mold caused by household chores. Let the ventilation run for another 15 minutes, then set your device to its previous mode.
See our Guide on Furnace Filters to learn more about indoor air quality, filtration and the MERV classification scale. Follow our best advice to reduce your seasonal allergies: order your filters online at away from pollen and in the comfort of your home.